Volunteering: something that is supposed to make you feel good inside. Giving up your own time to do something for someone else. Ah, doesn't it just make you feel good?

And then there is (*drumroll*) Compulsorary Volunteerism: the sheer opposite of volunteering. Being forced into doing things that you really don't want to do, and when you complain about it you hear, "Well you shouldn't have volunteered."

On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I "volunteered" to work at a state wrestling tournament. Let me tell you, it is like hell on earth.

Get up early in the morning on all three days, move mats around five hundred times, mop the mats, then sit on your ass for five hours straight while working at a table, take a 30 minute break and repeat the first part of the list until 9:00 PM. Oh, and you do get a small payment for doing all this: a t-shirt and a few meals.

Well Holy Shit! Call the friggin prize patrol!

Now I did volunteer to work at the tournament. That was my mistake, but volunteering is all about doing something when you can. Going to a tournament and working almost 12-13 straight is a very shitty job.

I'll I have to say is GRR!

Have a freakin great day and do some volunteering!


Well today is the day after the big "Super Tuesday", and today is a national political hangover day. If you don't believe me, then take one look at the "Meet The Press" host Tim Russert. I don't believe I've seen anyone on the news that has looked so shitty, yet still managed to report the news. He looked like he'd had a few the night before, but I guess everyone else would look the same if they had spent the whole night looking at numbers without any sleep.

Wow, that guy has a really shitty job during the Presidential Elections... Of course, he gets a 2 year break to work on Sundays only after the political season is over.  But aside from that, it's still a shitty job.


Back to the political-hangover thing I was talking about earlier; everyone today is kind of dead from watching CNN yesterday and they don't really give a damn about politics.

And the Republicans- they weren't given a quarter of the time the Democrats were given. Of course, nobody watching the Presidential race really cares about who gets voted in on the Republican side- unless they are a card-carrying member of the Republican Party.

I hope that Barrack Obama wins. Not because he's a Democrat, I want him to win the primary. I don't want Hilary to get within an inch of the White House. She's an irritating bitch. The only way I can see her in the White House would be as Vice President to Obama...

Wouldn't that just make her happy?

Well I gotta go eat dinner... Have a great Ash Wednesday!
